Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009

Halal bi Halal Kaum Musholla Baiturrohman

Seksi Perlengkapan sdg bikin panggung...

Musholla di siang hari... keren bgt...

Ramah tamah di Rumah Pengurus Musholla

Pemberian Santunan bagi anak Yatim dan Orang Jompo.

Orang jompo...

Serius Mendengarkan Pidato

Gaya Drs. KH. Abdul Hadi dari Brebes kala menyampaikan Hikmah Halal bi Halal

Pengunjung tergelak mendengarkan pembicara yg kocak.

Sisi lain pengunjung

Pengurus Musholla berpose bersama orang-2 jompo yg telah dpt santunan...

Pembacaan doa

Pengunjung beranjak meninggalkan Lokasi

Mushollapun kembali seperti sedia kala : Sepi.....


Jumat, 02 Oktober 2009

Blood Donation

After aerobic activity at friday morning, me and jamjuri have asked by Awan (textile toolman) to donate our blood for his uncle. "what type blood are you?" say Awan. "A" I said. "would you be a volunteer donor for my uncle?" Ask him. "i'ts my pleasure" I answer.

We go to Indonesian Red Cross building in Slawi.
The blood is drawn from a large arm vein close to the skin, usually the median cubital vein on the inside of the elbow. The skin over the blood vessel is cleaned with an antiseptic to prevent skin bacteria from contaminating the collected blood and also to prevent infections where the needle pierced to my skin.

A large needle is used to minimize shearing forces that may physically damage red blood cells as they flow through the needle. A tourniquet is wrapped around the upper arm to increase the pressure of the blood in the arm veins and speed up the process.

And about 30 minutes only, whole blood donation process is DONE.


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